ssh -L 61000:localhost:5901 -N -l username VNCserverIP. It connects port 61000 on the local machine to port 5901 on the server via an SSH tunnel.
Vnc ssh tunnel putty password#
I also tried this one (found from this site): ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 -p 22 I write "su" in SSH and I write my root password I can get in with root account, but when it asks my root password on ssh after trying to fill any of these tunneling commands it says the password is wrong and permission denied?

I want connect to my VNC Server with my VNC Client (from my own pc), but using a tunneled connection, because people are trying my password too many times or something, because sometimes it says "Too many authentication failures" what a tards they are, because they will never guess the password.2005) or SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PuTTY, Tunnels and Keys (CreateSpace. Openssh let you tunnel ports in case is not in the same LAN (The same command should be done with putty) ssh -L5900:localhost:5900 remotehost. Thus, in recent years SSH has grown in popularity, and it is now the preferred. VNC Server is running and TCP/UDP connection has been enabled only to ports of Web Server, SSH, Game Server. If the Unix server on the same LAN, just use vncviewer to the port.I have dedicated server with VNC Server, Web Server, Game Server and Firewall.I've read pretty many documents about ssh -L and ssh -R command-line commands, but it's pretty weird, because they have servers and such on their own machines and on their remote machines so I get confused about that where are they even trying to connect and what etc. There's a VNC Server and I can connect to VNC Server with a VNC Client with port 5901 so it takes me to display :1 when I connect there with a VNC Client.