On their way in, a security guard told Soo, who was recently in “Into the Woods,” “Huge fan of yours. “The idea of the boy king was my way in.” Burnap, wearing a blue beanie and looking bleary after a two-show day, was at the Cloisters-the Metropolitan Museum’s medieval outpost, way uptown-with two of his co-stars, Phillipa Soo (Guenevere) and Jordan Donica (Lancelot). “It becomes very intimidating if you think about it too much,” Burnap said the other day, of his character’s legend. It doesn’t help that a classic musical about Arthur-Lerner and Loewe’s “Camelot”-is being revived, handsomely, at Lincoln Center Theatre, or that the guy playing him, Andrew Burnap, is thirty-two and looks like an Abercrombie & Fitch model. For example, King Arthur, who still gets high marks-what with the Round Table, the cool wizard friend, and the pulling swords from stones-despite the fact that he ruled a millennium and a half ago and probably didn’t exist. One was so bad at the job that he got beheaded others were so beloved that they’ve been mythologized for centuries. Your predecessors are, by definition, all dead, but they loom large. First of all, congrats! Second, if you’re feeling anxious, that’s understandable.

It took me something like 200+ days if I recall, but would have been over much sooner if I had tried to end it quickly with reward flags.Say, hypothetically, that you’re being crowned king of England this weekend. It's actually very fun to play it this way since your high-leveled heroes actually get challenged by the strong monsters. Any buildings that got taken down were quickly replaced since I had so much gold coming in, and I could easily resurrect any fallen heroes with the Masoleum. I actually beat the quest without using a single reward flag in this way, eventually my kingdom was so huge that heroes would inevitably take down the spires on their own and my heroes would swarm any monsters that ran into the kingdom. I think there's a cap on how strong the enemy forces get, so at a certain point your heroes getting stronger/more numerous doesn't add strength to the monsters. Yes, you start fighting golems and ice dragons and you will lose buildings at times, but eventually you get some really high-powered heroes and once you have enough of them recruited, they are enough to keep the monsters at bay. I actually haven't had too much trouble with Spires of Death by building up a HUGE kingdom with tons of heroes.

I've only tried ballista towers once, but they seemed reasonably effective? It might be helpful to establish an outpost for extra peasants and a trading post, but the spires tend to come atcha from all angles, so it's hard to find a quiet corner of the map. What I'll typically try doing is building a sorc's abode next my warriors' guild/fairgrounds, and teleport my troops on top of the last spire after sending parties after the others. are a major pain, so your best bet is to raze all the spires as close to simultaneously as possible. โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Alfryd:The trouble with recruiting a tonne of anything on Spires of Death is that incoming enemy forces are scaled to match the strength of your heroes, and I'm not sure wizards are optimal given all the vampires around.